Frequently Asked Questions
How much room does the Sunbed need?
The Sunbed requires 1mtr square of floor space and must be located near a double wall socket.
How much does it cost to run?
Sunbed costs between 8p – 10p per 10 mins use
How strong are the lamps / what power are the lamps?
The overall power is 3840 watts, each lamp is 160 watts, We use high power, fast tanning 0.3 regulation lamps.
Will it help Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne?
Yes the lamps will help clear up lots of skin complaints and help boost Vitamin D within your body.
How much power does it consume?
The sunbed uses 2 x 13amp fused domestic plugs. Operating current = 17amps
What is the size of the Sunbed?
The Sunbed is 188cm Tall (6ft) X 85cm wide.
Can I have it in my garage / outhouse?
Yes as long as they are water tight and secure. Check Power Supply (32amp Breaker)
How many minutes should I start with?
We recommend starting low and gradually building up the minutes each session. If you notice any reaction from the sunbed please leave 24hrs before your next session.
How often can I use the Sunbed?
Please leave 24hrs between each Tanning Session.
Should I use a Lotion?
For maximum Tanning results we recommend using a Lotion. We can supply a large range of Lotions. Please ask when booking.
What is the benefit of using a Lotion?
Using a Lotion helps oxygenate the skin prior to tanning. This helps your body start excepting the UV quicker and tanning you. Lotions are designed to give you quicker Tanning results.
Without using a Lotion it can take up to 2mins for your body to start excepting the UV and start tanning.
Can I put it on carpet?
Yes you can, it will not fade the carpet. But we recommend putting a folded towel within the Sunbed to stand on.
What do I clean it with?
Any cleaner as long as it does not have an abrasive in or very strong chemicals. We recommend TaniTize products.
Can I extend the hire if I want to?
Yes of course. The Hirer has first refusal to re-hire if it is already at there home.
Are the lamps new?
The Lamps are brand new 0.3 compliant Fast Tanning Lamps. (160 watt) (24 in Sunbed)
Can I run it from an extension lead?
You cannot have the two Sunbed plugs into the extension lead. You would have to run two separate extension leads with a Sunbed lead / plug in each one
Can it go upstairs?
Yes it can but for insurance reasons we will only go up one flight of stairs. We will only deliver above one flight of stairs if the property has a lift. (At the Franchisees discretion)

Our Tanning Lamps
Tan & Deliver is a Nationwide Tanning Brand and have been in the industry for over 15 Years.
When you hire a Tan & Deliver Sunbed you can be assured you are getting the very best in Home Use Tanning, from a Brand you can trust.
Our Lamps are specifically manufactured for Tan & Deliver by the Worlds Leading Lamp Manufacturer Cosmedico. These lamps help boost vitamin D and ease the symptoms of Eczema and Psorisis.
Our Lamps are tried and proven to give you the best Tanning results Possible whilst reducing the chance of Skin Ageing, Burning or Blistering. Manufactured to UK and E.U. Regulations.