We have a number of territories available throughout the UK.
Territory size is dependant on the number of Sunbeds in your fleet.
As a Franchisee of Tan & Deliver you will be providing a unique and desired service in your chosen territory.
You will have a large exclusive territory giving you the opportunity to build a sizable business with the extensive training and support tailored by our leading experts the earning and growth potential is limitless.
The Tan & Deliver Franchise allows you to build a successful business which will fit in with your family or lifestyle commitments. You can run the Business alongside your existing job or commitments.
We have a proven business formula which will form the basis on which your Franchise will operate. We have proven systems in place that you will follow and which are designed to improve overall productivity and increase sales. With clear target markets our winning business model is backed up by successful sales and marketing strategies.
All our Social Media and online marketing has been comprehensively tried and tested and consistently reaps rewards.
Being part of a recognised brand your position with potential customers will instantly be enhanced, giving them the confidence that they are hiring from an established and reputable company.
Contact us today to find out if your territory is still available.